Kauai Regional ITS Architecture

Service Packages For: EM - EM05-1

Scroll down to view list of elements, responsible agencies (stakeholders), candidate functional areas and requirements, and flows on this diagram.

List of Elements on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Element Detail Page.
Element Name Stakeholder
HDOT-HAR-K Security Center Hawaii Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, Kauai District
HDOT-HAR-K Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment Hawaii Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, Kauai District
Kauai EOC County of Kauai - Civil Defense Agency

List of Stakeholder Elements and Roles on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Page with Element Details.
Click on Functional Area/Role to go to Page with Candidate Functional Requirements.
Stakeholder Element Name Functional Area/Role Functional Area Description
Hawaii Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, Kauai District HDOT-HAR-K Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment Field Secure Area Surveillance This equipment package includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways). It provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Subsystem for possible threat detection. The equipment package also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Subsystem. This equipment package provides the same functions as the Traveler Secure Area Surveillance equipment package.
Hawaii Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, Kauai District HDOT-HAR-K Security Center Center Secure Area Surveillance This equipment package monitors surveillance inputs from secure areas in the transportation system. The surveillance may be of secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. It provides both video and audio surveillance information to emergency personnel and automatically alerts emergency personnel of potential incidents.

List of Flows on this Diagram
Click on Architecture Flow to go to Page with Applicable ITS Standards.
Source Element Architecture Flow Destination Element
HDOT-HAR-K Security Center cctv images_ud Kauai EOC
HDOT-HAR-K Security Center threat information coordination Kauai EOC
HDOT-HAR-K Security Center incident report Kauai EOC
Kauai EOC threat information coordination HDOT-HAR-K Security Center
Kauai EOC incident report HDOT-HAR-K Security Center
HDOT-HAR-K Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment secure area surveillance data HDOT-HAR-K Security Center
HDOT-HAR-K Security Center secure area surveillance control HDOT-HAR-K Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment

The Hawaiian language uses two diacritical markings. The 'okina is a glottal stop; and the kahako is a macron. The State of Hawaii strongly encourages the use of Hawaiian diacritical markings. The National ITS Architecture tool, Turbo Architecture, does not allow for the Hawaiian diacritical markings to be input and as such, customized service package diagrams, operational concepts and other outputs from Turbo are unable to reflect the diacritical markings. To ensure consistency in this ITS Architecture website, no Hawaiian diacritical markings will be used.