The Kauai Regional ITS Architecture resulted from the consensus input of a diverse set of stakeholders, encompassing traffic, public safety, public transportation and other modes, special events, and many other stakeholders at the local and state levels. It includes both public and private sectors and spans the organizations that develop, operate, maintain, and depend on the surface transportation system.
This page contains a list (in alphabetical order) of the stakeholders that develop, operate, maintain, and/or depend on the ITS services.
Each stakeholder has a hotlink to a definition of the stakeholder and a list of that stakeholder's specific ITS elements (if any).
Stakeholder | Description |
County of Kauai - Civil Defense Agency |
The County of Kauai Civil Defense Agency is responsible for administering
and operating the various local, state, and federal civil defense programs for the county. This includes planning, preparing, and coordinating civil defense operations in meeting disaster situations and coordinating post-disaster recovery options as well as operating the Kauai Emergency Operations Center (EOC). |
County of Kauai - Department of Finance, Information Technology |
Organizationally under the Department of Finance, the Information Technology (Kauai County IT) Division is responsible for maintaining the IT infrastructure for the County of Kauai and develops, operates, and maintains county-wide systems, and supports IT functions for individual agencies. |
County of Kauai - Department of Public Works |
The County of Kauai Department of Public Works provides engineering and inspection services to plan and construct highway, drainage, and bridge replacement projects for the County of Kauai and maintains County of Kauai roads. |
County of Kauai - Fire Department |
The Kauai Fire Department (KFD) has fire-fighting responsibility for the County of Kauai. In addition to fire-fighting, KFD provides emergency and non-emergency services for the island of Kauai and responds to medical issues and rescues (e.g., hikers). |
County of Kauai - Police Department |
The Kauai Police Department (KPD) is the primary provider of law enforcement services for Kauai County, including traffic enforcement and incident response. KPD provides emergency response for the County of Kauai. KPD is also responsible for the organization and operation of the 911 centralized communications dispatch system. |
Event Promoters |
This generic stakeholder represents local bodies that promote events. |
Hawaii Department of Transportation, Airports Division, Kauai District |
The Hawaii Department of Transportation, Airports Division, Kauai District (HDOT-AIR-K) manages, operates and maintains all State airports on the island of Kauai in conformity with State and Federal laws and requirements. It, has responsibility for all aspects of airport operations including fire, security, restaurants, and parking, etc. HDOT-AIR-K is not responsible for Homeland Security. HDOT-AIR-K Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) has primary responsibility for responding to emergencies at the Lihue Airport and supports the Kauai County Fire Department as needed. |
Hawaii Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, Kauai District |
The Hawaii Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, Kauai District
(HDOT-HAR-K) manages, operates, and maintains all commercial State
harbors on the island of Kauai including the harbors at Nawiliwili and Port Allen. |
Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division |
The Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division (HDOT-HWY) plans, designs, and supervises the construction and maintenance of the State Highway System. |
Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Kauai District |
The Kauai District of the Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division performs for the island of Kauai 1) engineering services and field inspections of transportation construction projects in conformance with approved plans and specifications; and 2) maintenance, alteration and repair of State roads, highways, and related structures. |
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency |
The State of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HIEMA) leads the
State of Hawaii in the preparation for, response to, and recovery from
disasters and emergencies. It works to save lives, protect property and
protect infrastructure. HIEMA is responsible for standing up and operating
State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), collecting information, organizing
it and providing it to senior leaders to make decisions. |
Hospital Providers |
This generic stakeholder represents the entities operating hospitals on Kauai. |
Kauai County Transportation Agency |
The Kauai County Transportation Agency is responsible for providing public transportation via fixed route buses and paratransit vehicles. The Transportation Agency provides service on Kauai island, from Kekaha to Hanalei. Services are provided seven days a week. |
Kauai Data Warehouse Stakeholder |
This generic stakeholder represents a future stakeholder responsible for the Kauai Data Warehouse. |
Kauai Parking and Access Provider |
This generic stakeholder represents a future parking and access provider in Kauai. |
Kauai Visitors Bureau |
The Kauai Visitors Bureau is a private, non-profit organization charged with marketing the island of Kauai. |
Local Media |
This generic stakeholder represents owners/operators of communications media, including television, radio, and newspapers. |
Medical Transportation |
This generic stakeholder represents the organization responsible for providing emergency and non-emergency medical transportation in the County of Kauai. This is currently provided by a private company which is contracted statewide to provide these services. |
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Responsible for weather reports and weather-related disaster alerts. |
Pacific Disaster Center |
The Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) is responsible for data collection and observation systems, computing, impact modeling and risk assessment, visualization and information and communication systems to empower decision makers, disaster management professionals and the public. |
Private Sector Traveler Information Services |
This generic stakeholder represents private traveler and transportation
information service providers. |
Private Travelers |
This generic stakeholder represents the general public, including passengers and travelers. |
Shuttle Provider |
This generic stakeholder represents a future stakeholder responsible for operating shuttle systems in Kauai. |
The American Red Cross |
The American Red Cross is a nonprofit providing disaster relief to those in need. |