Element Expanded Functional Requirements: HDOT-HWY-V Vehicle Registration System Database |
Functional Area: CV Information Exchange |
- The center shall exchange information with roadside check facilities, including credentials and credentials status information, safety status information, daily site activity data, driver records, and citations.
- The center shall exchange safety and credentials data among other commercial vehicle administration centers; includes border clearance status, credentials information, credentials status information, driver records, accident reports, permit information, and safety status information.
- The center shall package data concerning commercial vehicle safety and credentials into snapshots (top-level summary and critical status information).
- The center shall package data concerning commercial vehicle safety and credentials into profiles (detailed and historical data).
- The center shall provide commercial vehicle credentials and safety status information to authorized requestors such as insurance agencies.
- The center shall provide reports to the commercial vehicle fleet manager regarding fleet activity through roadside facilities including accident reports, citations, credentials status information, driver records, and safety status information.
- The center shall provide individual drivers access to their own driver records on request.
- The center shall exchange safety and credentials data among other commercial vehicle administration centers including credentials information, credentials status information, driver records, accident reports, permit information, and safety status information.
- The center shall exchange safety and credentials data among other commercial vehicle administration centers; includes credentials information, credentials status information, driver records, accident reports, permit information, and safety status information.