This is an alphabetical listing of each architecture flow in the Hawaii Statewide ITS Architecture and its definition.
Architecture Flow |
Architecture Flow Description |
account management information_ud |
Account management information for open fare payment accounts. |
account status_ud |
Represents account status information for personal payment accounts for open fare payment. |
alerts and advisories |
Assessments (general incident and vulnerability awareness information), advisories (identification of threats or recommendations to increase preparedness levels), and alerts (information on imminent or in-progress emergencies). This flow also provides supporting descriptive detail on incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities to increase preparedness and support effective response to threats against the surface transportation system. |
archive coordination |
Catalog data, meta data, published data, and other information exchanged between archives to support data synchronization and satisfy user data requests. |
archive requests |
A request to a data source for information on available data (i.e. "catalog") or a request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient. |
archive status |
Notification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem are identified. |
archived data products |
Raw or processed data, meta data, data catalogs and other data products provided to a user system upon request. The response may also include any associated transaction information. |
audit data |
Information to support a tax audit. |
broadcast traveler information |
General traveler information that contains traffic and road conditions, link travel times, incidents, advisories, restrictions, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related traveler information. |
citation |
Report of commercial vehicle citation. The citation includes references to the statute(s) that was (were) violated. It includes information on the violator and the officer issuing the citation. A citation differs from a violation because it is adjudicated by the courts. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
commercial vehicle permit |
Permit for oversize, overweight, or hazmat shipments. |
commercial vehicle permit coordination |
Information for the coordination of commercial vehicle permits for oversize, overweight, or for dangerous goods. |
compliance review report |
Report containing results of carrier compliance review, including concomitant out-of-service notifications and carrier warnings/notifications. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query of proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
credential application |
Application for commercial vehicle credentials. Authorization for payment is included. |
credential fee coordination |
Jurisdiction's rates for various credentials (IRP, IFTA, etc.) that are exchanged between agencies. |
credentials information |
Response containing full vehicle fuel tax and registration credentials information. "Response" may be provided in reaction to a real-time query or a standing request for updated information. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
credentials status information |
Credentials information such as registration, licensing, insurance, check flags, and electronic screening enrollment data. A unique identifier is included. Corresponds to the credentials portion of CVISN "snapshots." The status information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or as a result of a standing request for updated information (subscription). This may also include information about non-U.S. fleets for use by U.S. authorities, and information regarding U.S. fleets made available to Mexican and Canadian authorities. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
cv driver record |
Information typically maintained by a state driver licensing agency about a driver of a commercial vehicle including driver identification data, license data, permit data, and driving history details. Information can correspond to a 'driver snapshot' as described by the CVISN program. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
daily site activity data |
Record of daily activities at commercial vehicle check stations including summaries of screening events and inspections. |
device control request |
Request for device control action. |
device data |
Data from detectors, environmental sensor stations, and traffic control devices including device inventory information. |
device status |
Status information from devices. |
electronic screening request |
Request for identification data to support electronic screening. |
emergency archive data |
Logged emergency information including information that characterizes identified incidents (routine highway incidents through disasters), corresponding incident response information, evacuation information, surveillance data, threat data, and resource information. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information. |
emergency plan coordination |
Information that supports coordination of emergency management plans, continuity of operations plans, emergency response and recovery plans, evacuation plans, and other emergency plans between agencies. This includes general plans that are coordinated prior to an incident and shorter duration tactical plans that are prepared during an incident. |
emergency traffic control information |
Status of a special traffic control strategy or system activation implemented in response to an emergency traffic control request, a request for emergency access routes, a request for evacuation, a request to activate closure systems, a request to employ driver information systems to support public safety objectives, or other special requests. Identifies the selected traffic control strategy and system control status. |
emergency traffic control request |
Special request to preempt the current traffic control strategy in effect at one or more signalized intersections or highway segments, activate traffic control and closure systems such as gates and barriers, activate safeguard systems, or use driver information systems. For example, this flow can request all signals to red-flash, request a progression of traffic control preemptions along an emergency vehicle route, request a specific evacuation traffic control plan, request activation of a road closure barrier system, or place a public safety or emergency-related message on a dynamic message sign. |
emergency traveler information |
Public notification of an emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. This flow also includes evacuation information including evacuation instructions, evacuation zones, recommended evacuation times, tailored evacuation routes and destinations, traffic and road conditions along the evacuation routes, traveler services and shelter information, and reentry times and instructions. |
emergency traveler information request |
Request for alerts, evacuation information, and other emergency information provided to the traveling public. |
environmental situation data_cv |
Aggregated and filtered vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. This information flow represents the aggregated and filtered environmental data sets that are provided by the RSE to the back office center. Depending on the RSE configuration and implementation, the data set may also include environmental sensor station data collected by the RSE. |
evacuation coordination |
Coordination of information regarding a pending or in-process evacuation. Includes evacuation zones, evacuation times, evacuation routes, forecast network conditions, and reentry times. |
evacuation information |
Evacuation instructions and information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times. |
fare collection data |
Fare collection information including the summary of on-board fare system data and financial payment transaction data. |
fare management information |
Transit fare information and transaction data used to manage transit fare processing on the transit vehicle. |
hov data |
Current HOV lane information including both standard traffic flow measures and information regarding vehicle occupancy in HOV lanes, and operational status of the HOV monitoring equipment. |
incident command information coordination |
Information that supports local management of an incident. It includes resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective, safe incident response. |
incident information |
Notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident. As additional information is gathered and the incident evolves, updated incident information is provided. Incidents include any event that impacts transportation system operation ranging from routine incidents (e.g., disabled vehicle at the side of the road) through large-scale natural or human-caused disasters that involve loss of life, injuries, extensive property damage, and multi-jurisdictional response. This also includes special events, closures, and other planned events that may impact the transportation system. |
incident information for media |
Report of current desensitized incident information prepared for public dissemination through the media. |
incident report |
Report of an identified incident including incident location, type, severity and other information necessary to initiate an appropriate incident response. |
incident response coordination |
Incident response procedures and current incident response status that are shared between allied response agencies to support a coordinated response to incidents. This flow provides current situation information, including a summary of incident status and its impact on the transportation system and other infrastructure, and current and planned response activities. This flow also coordinates a positive hand off of responsibility for all or part of an incident response between agencies. |
incident response status |
Status of the current incident response including a summary of incident status and its impact on the transportation system, traffic management strategies implemented at the site (e.g., closures, diversions, traffic signal control overrides), and current and planned response activities. |
information on violators |
Information on violators provided by a law enforcement agency. May include information about commercial vehicle violations or other kinds of violations associated with the particular entity. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
interactive traveler information |
Traveler information provided in response to a traveler request. The provided information includes traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations. |
lane closure information_cv |
Lane closure information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides information about roadway configuration changes such as lane closures and shifts. |
lane management control |
Information used to configure and control dynamic lane management systems. |
lane management information |
System status including current operational state, violations, and logged information. |
multimodal information |
Schedule information for alternate mode transportation providers such as train, ferry, air and bus. |
parking information |
General parking information and status, including current parking availability. |
pass/pull-in |
Command to commercial vehicle to pull into or bypass inspection station. |
payment |
Payment of some kind (e.g., toll, parking, fare) by traveler which, in most cases, can be related to a credit account. |
payment request |
Request for payment from financial institution. |
queue warning application information_cv |
Information regarding formed or impending queues (location of the end of queue, estimated duration of the queue, and other descriptions of the queue condition) and recommendations for upstream vehicles including speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted. |
queue warning application status_cv |
Queue warning application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of measured vehicle speeds and identified queues. |
queue warning information_cv |
Information regarding formed or impending queues (location of the end of queue, estimated duration of the queue, and other descriptions of the queue condition) and recommendations for upstream vehicles including speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations. |
reduced speed notification_cv |
Reduced speed zone information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides the reduced speed limit, the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, and associated warning information. |
reduced speed warning info_cv |
Roadway configuration data, current speed limits including time of day, week, or season speed limits as necessary, and warning parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted. |
reduced speed warning status_cv |
Speed warning application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of measured vehicle speeds and notifications, alerts, and warnings issued. |
registration |
Registered owner of vehicle and associated vehicle information. |
remote surveillance control |
The control commands used to remotely operate another center's sensors or surveillance equipment so that roadside surveillance assets can be shared by more than one agency. |
request for payment |
Request to deduct cost of service from user's payment account. |
request for permit |
Request by fleet management for oversize, overweight, or hazmat permit. |
request tag data |
Request for tag information including credit identity, stored value card cash, etc. |
resource coordination |
Coordination of resource inventory information, specific resource status information, resource prioritization and reallocation between jurisdictions, and specific requests for resources and responses that service those requests. |
resource deployment status |
Status of resource deployment identifying the resources (vehicles, equipment, materials, and personnel) available and their current status. General resource inventory information and specific status of deployed resources may be included. |
resource request |
A request for resources to implement special traffic control measures, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate deployment of resources. Resources may be explicitly requested or a service may be requested and the specific resource deployment may be determined by the responding agency. |
right-of-way request notification |
Notice that a request has occurred for signal prioritization, signal preemption, pedestrian call, multi-modal crossing activation, or other source for right-of-way. |
road closure information_cv |
Road closure information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides information about weather related road closures along with diversion information. |
road network conditions |
Current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, and other road network status. Either raw data, processed data, or some combination of both may be provided by this architecture flow. Information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements) in effect is included along with a definition of the links, nodes, and routes that make up the road network. |
road network status assessment |
Assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery. |
road weather advisories_cv |
Segment-specific weather and road conditions including real-time advisories of deteriorating road and weather conditions, medium-term advisories for the next 2-12 hours, and long-term advisories more than 12 hours into the future. The advisories may include advisories that are issued by the RSE based on locally collected environmental data (e.g., a flooding on roadway advisory). |
road weather advisory info_cv |
Road weather advisories and associated configuration and control information that are used to manage the RSE. Advisories include segment-specific weather and road conditions including real-time advisories of deteriorating road and weather conditions, medium-term advisories for the next 2-12 hours, and long-term advisories more than 12 hours into the future. This flow includes a schedule for issuing the included advisories. |
road weather advisory status_cv |
Current RSE application status that is monitored by the back office center including the operational state of the RSE, current configuration parameters, and a log of advisories issued. The advisories may include advisories that are issued by the RSE based on locally collected environmental data (e.g., a flooding on roadway advisory). |
roadway information system data |
Information used to initialize, configure, and control roadside systems that provide driver information (e.g., dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio, beacon systems). This flow can provide message content and delivery attributes, local message store maintenance requests, control mode commands, status queries, and all other commands and associated parameters that support remote management of these systems. |
roadway information system status |
Current operating status of dynamic message signs, highway advisory radios, beacon systems, or other configurable field equipment that provides dynamic information to the driver. |
roadway warning system control_cv |
Information used to configure and control roadway warning systems. |
roadway warning system status_cv |
Current operating status of roadway warning systems. |
route restrictions |
Information about routes, road segments, and areas that do not allow the transport of security sensitive hazmat cargoes or include other restrictions (such as height or weight limits). |
safety status information |
Safety information such as safety ratings, security ratings or flags, inspection summaries, and violation summaries. A unique identifier is included. Corresponds to the safety and security portion of CVISN "snapshots." The status information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or as a result of a standing request for updated information (subscription). This may also include information about non-U.S. fleets for use by U.S. authorities, and information regarding U.S. fleets made available to Mexican and Canadian authorities. The query flow is not explicitly shown. |
screening event record |
Results of CVO electronic screening activity. |
shelter information |
Evacuation shelter information including location, hours of operation, special accommodations, and current vacancy/availability information. |
signal control commands |
Control of traffic signal controllers or field masters including clock synchronization. |
signal control device configuration |
Data used to configure traffic signal control equipment including local controllers and system masters. |
signal control plans |
Traffic signal timing parameters including minimum green time and interval durations for basic operation and cycle length, splits, offset, phase sequence, etc. for coordinated systems. |
signal control status |
Operational and status data of traffic signal control equipment including operating condition and current indications. |
signal fault data |
Faults from traffic signal control equipment. |
signal system configuration |
Data used to configure traffic signal systems including configuring control sections and mode of operation (time based or traffic responsive). |
tag data |
Unique tag ID and related vehicle information. |
targeted list |
List of carriers, drivers, and/or vehicles of interest for enforcement purposes. |
tax filing |
Commercial vehicle tax filing data. Authorization for payment is included. |
threat information |
Threats regarding transportation infrastructure, facilities, or systems detected by a variety of methods (sensors, surveillance, threat analysis of advisories from outside agencies, etc. |
threat information coordination |
Sensor, surveillance, and threat data including raw and processed data that is collected by sensor and surveillance equipment located in secure areas. |
traffic flow |
Raw and/or processed traffic detector data which allows derivation of traffic flow variables (e.g., speed, volume, and density measures) and associated information (e.g., congestion, potential incidents). This flow includes the traffic data and the operational status of the traffic detectors. |
traffic images |
High fidelity, real-time traffic images suitable for surveillance monitoring by the operator or for use in machine vision applications. |
traffic monitoring application info_cv |
Traffic monitoring application parameters and thresholds that control the filtering, aggregation, and range of measures that are collected, derived, and reported. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted. |
traffic monitoring application status_cv |
Traffic monitoring application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation. |
traffic probe data |
Vehicle data that is used to determine traffic conditions. In a basic implementation, the data could be limited to time stamped unique identifiers that can be used to measure a vehicle's progress through the network. In more advanced implementations, the vehicle may report current position, speed, and heading and snapshots of recent events including route information, starts and stops, speed changes, and other information that can be used to estimate traffic conditions. |
traffic sensor control |
Information used to configure and control traffic sensor systems. |
traffic situation data_cv |
Current, aggregate traffic data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to supplement or replace information collected by roadside traffic detectors. It includes raw and/or processed reported vehicle speeds, counts, and other derived measures. Raw and/or filtered vehicle control events may also be included to support incident detection. |
transaction status |
Response to transaction request. Normally dealing with a request for payment. |
transit fare and passenger status |
Information provided from the traveler location that supports fare payments, passenger data, and associated record-keeping. |
transit fare coordination |
Fare and pricing information shared between local/regional transit organizations. |
transit fare information |
Information provided by transit management that supports fare payment transactions and passenger data collection. |
transportation system status |
Current status and condition of transportation infrastructure (e.g., tunnels, bridges, interchanges, TMC offices, maintenance facilities). In case of disaster or major incident, this flow provides an assessment of damage sustained by the surface transportation system including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity and necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery. |
traveler alerts |
Traveler information alerts reporting congestion, incidents, adverse road or weather conditions, parking availability, transit service delays or interruptions, and other information that may impact the traveler. Relevant alerts are provided based on traveler-supplied profile information including trip characteristics and preferences. |
traveler information for media |
General traveler information regarding incidents, unusual traffic conditions, transit issues, or other advisory information that has been desensitized and provided to the media. |
traveler profile |
Information about a traveler including equipment capabilities, personal preferences, and traveler alert subscriptions. |
traveler request |
A request for traveler information including traffic, transit, toll, parking, road weather conditions, event, and passenger rail information. The request identifies the type of information, the area of interest, parameters that are used to prioritize or filter the returned information, and sorting preferences. |
variable speed limit control |
Information used to configure and control variable speed limit systems including the equipment used to provide current speed limits and other information to drivers and the equipment used to monitor traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. |
variable speed limit status |
Current operating status of the variable speed limit systems including the state of the equipment. |
vehicle environmental data_cv |
Data from vehicle safety and convenience systems that can be used to estimate environmental conditions, including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. The collected data is reported along with the location, heading, and time that the data was collected. Both current data and snapshots of recent events (e.g., traction control or anti-lock brake system activations) may be reported |
vehicle location and motion_cv |
Data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size. |
vehicle signage application info_cv |
In-vehicle signing application configuration data and messaging parameters. This flow provides a list of regulatory, warning, and information messages to be displayed and parameters that support scheduling and prioritizing messages to be issued to passing vehicles. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted. |
vehicle signage application status_cv |
In-vehicle signing application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a log of messages sent to passing vehicles. |
vehicle signage data |
In-vehicle signing data that augments regulatory, warning, and informational road signs and signals. The information provided would include static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states, grade crossing information, local traffic and road conditions, advisories, and detours). |
video surveillance control |
Information used to configure and control video surveillance systems. |
violation notification |
Notification to enforcement agency of a violation. The violation notification flow describes the statute or regulation that was violated and how it was violated (e. g., overweight on specific axle by xxx pounds or which brake was out of adjustment and how far out of adjustment it was). A violation differs from a citation because it is not adjudicated by the courts. |