The Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) Bandwidth Limited family of standards, created by the SAE standards development organization, applies to reduced bandwidth interfaces (such as wide-area-wireless interfaces). This standards group addresses primarily the interfaces between the Information Service Provider and travelers via the Personal Information Access Subsystem (personal), Remote Traveler Support (public), and Vehicle subsystems and is therefore mapped to the relevant architecture flows in the National ITS Architecture. This group provides the vocabulary (called data elements and messages) necessary to exchange information between these ITS systems. We have created this summary entry - Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) Bandwidth Limited Group of standards - to identify the main standards applicable to this interface.
This Group includes the following Standards Activities:
SAE J2540: Messages for Handling Strings and Look-Up Tables in ATIS Standards
SAE J2540/1: RDS (Radio Data System) Phrase Lists
SAE J2540/2: ITIS (International Traveler Information Systems) Phrase Lists
SAE J2540/3: National Names Phrase List
SAE J2354: Message Set for Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)
SAE J2369: Standard for ATIS Message Sets Delivered Over Reduced Bandwidth Media
SAE J2266: Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS)